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KDS - Character Design - Spring 2021


Updated: May 30, 2021


Stephanie Doeur

May Duong

Michaila Green

Dani Janred

Chais Pascua

Charlene Zamora

James Lu

I think I can speak on behalf of my team when I say that we were all ecstatic to hear that we would be continuing this project for the Spring 2021 Semester. We absolutely loved the world and these characters and there was still so much more that we could do despite having established our main cast. Much of the semester revolved around the designs of side characters, cleaning up boards, and of course,THE KAIJU!

It’s definitely a bittersweet feeling, wrapping up this project and looking back at all the work we did. To finally see the full line-up of characters after all the iterations they’ve gone through. It almost feels as if we just got up on our feet and there's so much more of the story to tell. Perhaps years from now, AFPA will decide to reboot this project and the characters will see the light once more.

Jokes aside, I hope everyone on the team is proud of their accomplishments. Whether you were only with us for a few months, a semester, or saw the project till the very end, each member had a unique flair and brought fresh ideas to bring to the table. Seeing everyone’s designs always brought me such bliss and would always give me something to look forward to each week.

Finally, a big thank you to my apprentice and friend Dani Janred whom I had the great pleasure of working with this semester. Not only has she exemplified the qualities of a great character designer but also a great leader. To her and each of my team members, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this project a memorable one!

- Gabe D.

Here the character design team had started to design ideas for the Kaiju that attacks the city in this project. A lot of different takes were still being thrown around until one started to catch on more.

Character design had also resumed exploration of characters established the previous semester by doing some sketches to explore their personality and movement a bit more.

Narrative had also written a new character for character design to work with named Jan. Even though Jan does not make an appearance in the short, she now exists in the KDS world and story narrative team had been writing, which gives character design even more interesting material to work with. These are some of the sketches and explorations that went into her character.

And, the team had even done some more exploration for the character, Kiryu and the "Karen" character in the short.

And some designs for the pizza place mascot. Character design covered an impressive amount of ground this and last semester, and its been a pleasure seeing all of the things they came up for this project.


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